Free online video compressor, compress videos without losing quality. Instantly reduce video file size – no software, no watermark, 100% free.
Drag and drop your video here
orUp to 1GB, Support : MP4, MOV, M4V, WebM and more
Drag and drop or select a file from your device.
Select high quality, balanced, or high compression.
Let our tool quickly reduce your video size.
Save and share your compressed video instantly.
Save storage space and reduce upload times by compressing your videos directly in your browser.
Works with MP4, AVI, MOV, MKV, WebM, and more.
Our smart compression algorithm reduces file size while keeping the best possible video quality.
No sign-up required. Your files are processed securely and deleted automatically after compression.
Whether you need to compress video for email attachment, shrink MP4 files for WhatsApp, or optimize 4K footage for YouTube uploads, our intelligent compressor handles it all. Users consistently choose this tool for: